December 4, 2024

Wearing classic men’s wear will always be a passion of mine. I know that there are plenty of men’s wear sites and so-called experts online that critique and make commentary on the state of men’s wear. They take great pictures of youthful-looking men wearing fabulous clothes put them on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter and they for the most part become influencers on various social media platforms.

These so-called influencers hope that their large following influence or convince certain companies to make beneficial deals with them with the hope that they will reap the benefits of such so-called influencers.

Even GQ magazine highlights whom they deem some of the best-dressed men and hope to benefit from their social media presence. The reality is that these so-called influencers are really not that knowledgable, they may stumble on some nice items but they cater to very modern audiences who for the most part do not wear fine clothing they may know high-end trendy wear, it is their use of marketing tools, that provides the veneer of authenticity but a true wearer knows better.

I am not knocking their hustle but it’s sad to see where marketing oneself takes the place of the true know-how.

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