Lots of guys go to magazines to get style tips, like these shown below:
- GQ
- Esquire
- Men’sHealth
- The Man
- Swagger Magazine
- Preferred Magazine
- MR (more of a fashion industry magazine)
There are others, but these are the magazines that I have seen that draw younger men. I like The Rake myself. However the point is wherever you get your tips from, make sure you can separate the trendy from the classics. Many of these magazines often use celebrities to promote brands that are trendy and popular, often they sport street wear that is priced high and technically no better than a tee shirt, in fact, tee shirts and distressed clothing are often the clothing of choice.
When you purchase clothes think of the purpose is it for leisure or business, will it be here 10 years from now, or is it here today and gone tomorrow?
Clothing provides people an impression of what type of person you might be. People often make their judgments on how you appear to them.
When making purchases, make sure the clothes you buy make you look good and are reasonable in price (based on the garment), also since clothes do provide some insight into your character, make smart choices, it is ok to buy streetwear and more casual clothing but make sure that you have a range of clothing so streetwear for hanging out and dress clothes for job interviews, work, and for venues that require a little more style.
So I will not keep bombarding you with tips, but here is an article from The Man magazine that will help you out. “How To Look Better On a Budget”
Remember, clothing should show people, that you are smart, serious, mature, and ready to meet challenges.