February 15, 2025

It is always good to remember that a good pair of shoes will go a long way. I have some friends that will purchase shoes for $49.99 and claim that it is expensive.

You might purchase a pair of Sketchers for that price; however, even their dress shoes could cost $95.00.

While I am not a personal fan of Sketchers, the key is to buy a shoe that will last you at least ten years. The purchase model that I follow is that the shoe has to cross the generational line, cannot be faddish, and has to be well constructed using quality materials.

My personal choices include traditional and conservative shoes like wing-tips, cap toes, split-toes, and monk straps. These designs are stylish, never go out of style and, can be worn in different settings.

Keep in mind that many designers even offer nice touches and twist to these traditional favorites. The shoe should be of high-quality leather or suede that can be polished or cleaned. The bottom construction should use welted or cemented construction (leather or rubber soles) a high-quality shoe can be recrafted (restoration process). The shoe should be built from high quality lasts.

Brands like Gaziano & Girling, Alden’s, Allen Edmonds, Peal & Co., Church’s, John Spencer, Charles Tyrwhitt, John Lobb, Santoni, and others have extensive processes that produce beautiful and high-quality men’s shoes.

Keep in mind that some of the shoes easily start at $600.00 and could cost as much as $1300.00 depending on the brand. If we use Allen Edmonds as a starter shoe then the price is more like $375.00 and goes up from there.

The benefit is that your Wardrobe ROI (Return-On-Investment) works out better in the long run. A shoe lasting 15 years that costs you $300.00 upfront will cost you $20.00 a year. A cheap shoe costing $49.99 a year will cost you $49.99 a year (provided that the price stays the same).

This is based on the quality of the $49.00 shoe and the likelihood that the shoe will not last a year, and you will buy another pair at year’s end.

Enough said, here are the benefits of buying a quality shoe:


As long as the uppers remain sound, it is easy to re-sole a pair of worn welted shoes by sewing new soles to the existing welts, to give them a life expectancy of 20 years or more.


Comfort combines with durability in welted footwear to provide incomparable strength, outstanding performance, and enhanced shape retention.

If you check the blog roll, you can click on some of the links and you will see good examples of quality footwear. I have had my Church’s perforated cap toes for a good number of years and recently had them re-soled after several years of constant wear, still my favorite shoe.

Remember in the long run high-quality footwear, is easier on your feet as well as on your pocket!